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coffee note is your personal coffee brewing log and companion. This project let's you keep track of the coffee you buy, logging your daily brews, ratios and adding personal notes. And connect the perfect song for that coffee. coffee note is built with a react front-end and node.js/mongodb backend. Note: coffee note is intended for mobile applications.
Check it out here
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noted is a simple and easy to use note-taking application, that's designed in mind to write down any ideas, thoughts and notes. With a simple to navigate folder and note interface and experience. And easy to pick up features like categorizing, sharing, saving, moving and deleting your notes. noted desktop version currently is a work in progress.
Check it out here
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socialtree is a redesign of the modern smartlinks that are appearing all over the web. Targeted towards people who want to share their socials in a concise and clean way. Designed in mind especially for artists/bands release new music, as clear way to share where to find all their socials and how to check it out what's new.
Check it out here